All drivers are classified according to experience. Driver classifications are track-specific.
Be sure to provide a summary of your experience to us via email, before you register for an event.
- Novice/green: (green group) 0-5 days track experience, just getting started in the track hobby. A qualified instructor is assigned to provide advanced driver coaching on road course skills. A novice driver will typically have an instructor assigned for the first several track days, while experience is acquired. Drivers that have prior experience in autocross, or karting, will have an accelerated learning curve, but, without road course experience, will still be classified as novice, and an instructor is required. A driver that is new to the hobby would expect to be classified as novice, with an assigned instructor, for a minimum of 3+ days track experience. Passing requires a point-by passing signal, and passing zones are restricted to straightaways only.
- Advanced Novice/double green: (green group) 5+ days track experience. A driver that already has well-developed skills, but is visiting a new track for the first time. Since different road courses all have unique challenges and varying 'degrees of difficulty', it may be appropriate to have an instructor provide orientation and local tips. In this scenario, an experienced driver may be classified as novice, so that an instructor can be assigned. An example: For a driver that has been solo qualified at Roebling Road, but has never driven at Road Atlanta, an instructor would be required. That driver would be an advanced novice at Road Atlanta.
- Solo/yellow: (green group) 5+ days track experience. Once a novice level driver has acquired a level of experience that they are very comfortable with the lap and high-speed traffic, and their car, the driver can become solo qualified following a check-out evaluation from a senior instructor. A newly-qualified solo driver practices those skills and builds experience on-track in the green group sessions. The solo qualification is track-specific, and it is appropriate to receive a solo qualification at each track a driver visits.
- Provisional solo/double green: (green group) 10+ days track experience. This is appropriate for drivers with experience that have a valid solo qualification with other groups or at other tracks in the past. If it is your first event with Chin, or your first visit to a new track, then one of our master instructors will accompany you as a passenger in the opening session, for a "check-out" evaluation. You will get an orientation to the line, and we will observe while you demonstrate clean, consistent, smooth laps, with excellent car control, and awareness of traffic, corner stations, and track conditions. You should already have excellent command of all the fundamentals of safe road course driving. Upon the successful completion of the check-out ride, the driver will receive a solo qualification, in either the 'yellow' or 'blue' group, dependent on skills. A provisional solo candidate that does not satisfy the criteria for a solo qualification will have an instructor assigned and continue to receive coaching as needed. In this case, an instructor fee is applicable.
- Intermediate Solo/blue: (blue group) 15+ days track experience. Drivers that have substantial experience and have earned a valid solo qualification are classified as intermediate. Drivers at this level have visited several different road courses, and have received numerous days of in-car coaching/on-track instruction. The driver has satisfied solo qualification protocols with other well-established programs like Chin Track Days. Passing requires a point-by signal, and passing zones are unrestricted. Drivers are eligible for this category after a minimum of 15+ track days of experience.
- Advanced Solo/red: (Red group) 50+ days track experience. Our top classification includes drivers with years of experience and thousands of laps at numerous different tracks. The driver's road course skills and traffic management are instinctive. The driver has superior situational awareness and is capable of multi-tasking at a very high level. Heel/Toe downshift technique is second nature. Drivers at this level are comfortable with side-by-side conditions, safely passing through corners, driving off-line, and promptly yielding to faster traffic. Passing requires a point-by signal, and passing zones are unrestricted. It is necessary for a driver to receive an in-car evaluation by a master instructor to qualify for Advanced solo. Drivers that have already qualified for national or pro level competition licenses may be exempt from the check-out requirement.
- Instructor/white: Please see this information in the Chin forum for instructor criteria and qualifications.